Our Global Presence

1000+ Products
Manufacturing Sites

Laborate strives to be customer-oriented and a leader in the Global markets. Committed towards a healthier and happier world, we aspire to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to all sections of the society. Today, Laborate operates in 51 countries across the Globe. .

The Laborate's goal is to constantly expand its geographic footprint. The group has a competitive edge for profitable geographical expansion thanks to its portfolio of around 300 formulations across a broad spectrum of therapeutic categories from prescription drugs to OTC products, world-class manufacturing facilities, excellent quality safeguards built into every manufacturing process, and dedicated team of people.

The company is also open to collaboration in the areas of marketing, contract manufacturing, knowledge transfer, and product development as part of its growth strategy. Laborate is dedicated to provide excellent customer service, a unique and need-based product mix, and comprehensive technical logistic solutions to all of our business partners, resulting in mutually beneficial win-win collaborations. We place a great importance on our innovative health care product partners at Laborate. That's why we have goals that go beyond simply finding a "partner of choice." We collaborate with you to form a mutually advantageous collaboration in order to build long-term relationships.

Our global presence is based on a strong foundation of cultural and societal mutual respect. Naturally, the most essential of these common values is Good Health, which is a universal aim held by everyone, regardless of who they are or where they reside. We produce a wide range of dosage forms for a wide range of therapeutic categories. Laborate is quickly establishing itself as a significant potential Indian pharmaceuticals manufacturer, supplying the highest-quality completed formulations to markets around the world.

Our Global presence Countries are Listed Below:

Nigeria Malawi Afghanistan Mauritania Ivory coast
Ivory coast Togo Jordan Mongolia Gambia
Yemen Philippines Uzbekistan Lesotho Cameroon
Serra Leone Guatemala Uganda Chad Cambodia
Tajikistan South Sudan Turkmenistan Madagascar Burundi
Liberia R.D. Congo Rwanda Ghana Burkina Faso
Kenya Somalia Sri Lanka Georgia Benin
Lebanon Peru Myanmar Burkina Faso Guinea
Syria Zambia Bhutan Equador Nicaragua
Hondrous Cuba Nepal Bolivia Trinidad

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